Humans in Transformation – Dr. Emilia Roig Interview #035

What can a global network of leading lawyers, academics, practitioners, writers, and journalists striving for equality tell us for creating a new human world future after Corona. Dr. Emilia Roig is founder and Executive Director of the “Center for Intersectional Justice”, an independent nonprofit organisation based in Berlin dedicated to advancing equality and justice for all by combating intersecting forms of structural inequality and discrimination in Europe. A podcast episode about new ways and opportunities and trust during chaos.

Emilia Roig holds a PhD in Political Science from the Humboldt University of Berlin and Sciences Po Lyon and obtained her Master of Public Policy from the Hertie School of Governance and her Master of Business Administration from Jean Moulin University in Lyon. Her doctoral dissertation analysed the processes of intersectional discrimination in the French and German labor markets for care and household services. Prior to founding the Center for Intersectional Justice, she was Project Director at the German Federation of Migrant Women’s Organisations (DaMigra). From 2011 to 2015, she taught Intersectionality Theory, Postcolonial Studies and Critical Race Theory at the Humboldt University and the Free University of Berlin, and International and European Law at Jean Moulin University in Lyon. She is also faculty member in the Social Justice Study Abroad Program of DePaul University of Chicago since 2015. From 2007 to 2011, she worked extensively on Human Rights issues at Amnesty International in Germany, at the International Labour Organisation in Tanzania and Uganda, and at the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Cambodia.

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@Emilia Zenzile Roig







(Photo: Tanja Schnitzler)


Emilia Roig

Center for Intersectional Justice 


MAGIC BRAIN KICKS – Happiness and success are no coincidence, but the right use of brain power. The podcast of Dr. Maria Hoffacker – biologist, theologian, educator. Best Hacks to create the future! In this podcast I will show you how you can really use the infinite potential of your brain, your biological supercomputer. You can expect inspiration and practical applications from modern brain research for your personal success. We talk about how to properly feed your head, heart and stomach so that they become your inner power team with which you can achieve everything. At a time when everything is being digitized and artificial intelligence seems to be taking over everything from us, you will find out how superior your own human brain apartment is when you know how to control it properly. In the weekly podcast episodes you will find specific tools, expert interviews and many experience stories from impressive brains and from my own life as a marine biologist, environmental manager, science editor and lecturer More Information: Here you can choose an appointment for a free first coaching:

Dr. Emilia Roig ist Gründerin und Direktorin des Center for Intersectional Justice (CIJ) in Berlin. Sie promovierte an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin und an der Science Po Lyon zum Thema strukturelle Diskriminierung in Frankreich und Deutschland aus einer intersektionellen Perspektive. Sie lehrte in Deutschland, Frankreich und USA zu Intersektionalität, Critical Race Theory und Postkoloniale Studien, sowie Völkerrecht und Europarecht. Sie ist auch Dozentin im Social Justice Study Abroad Programm von DePaul University of Chicago. Von 2007 bis 2011 arbeitete Sie bei der GIZ in Kambodscha, bei der ILO in Tanzania und Uganda und bei Amnesty International in Deutschland. Wenn eine Person multiplen Diskriminierungsformen ausgesetzt ist – zum Beispiel Rassismus und Sexismus –, spricht man von „Intersektionalität“.

Ich gebe in meinem Podcast und meinen Mentoring-Programmen Wissen und Tools aus der modernen Neuroscience weiter, damit Weiterentwicklung in diesen besonderen Zeiten gelingt.

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